Landes - traduzione in francese
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Landes - traduzione in francese

The Landes; Landes (disambiguation)

Landes, department in South West France
n. Land, family name
n. land, country; state; nation, countryside


¦ noun (plural same or Medocs) a red wine produced in the Medoc area of SW France.



Landes, or Lanas in Gascon, means moorland or heath. Landes and Lanas come from the Latin plānus meaning “‘flat, even, level, plain’”. They are therefore cognate with the English plain (and plane), the Spanish word llanos and the Italian word piano.

Esempi di pronuncia per Landes
1. -Land? -Yeah. Land.
Resident Evil (2010)
2. land.
By All Means Necessary _ Elizabeth Economy & Michael Levi _ Talks at Google
3. Land.
San Francisco Chefs Table _ Matthew Accarrino _ Talks Google
4. land--
New Solutions to Fighting Poverty _ Jose Quinonez _ Talks at Google
5. land.
Telling Transgender Stories _ Carmen Carrera, Ian Alexander & Alex Schmider _ Talks at Google
Esempi dal corpus di testo per Landes
1. Randonnées ŕ travers des landes pelées par le vent.
2. Quelques heures plus tôt, le député des Landes avait rencontré François Hollande. (publicité)
3. Revolution in Time: Clocks and the Making of the Modern World de David Landes, chez Paperback.
4. Le «capitaine» des Landes réunira son club à Périgueux dans dix jours.
5. La Haute juridiction a condamné l‘Etat ŕ verser 3.000 euros au département des Landes.